Your story on TV

…on FGM. Now Burning Bright are looking to present the male experience in a new programme. This is an opportunity for our voices to be heard. If you think you might like to be involved in the project, see below for details. Channel 4 are looking for contributors for a ground-breaking and intimate film about men, their bodies and life experiences. We are working with an artist to document the relationship men have with their most private parts and m…

A controversial junction between politics, religion, science and sex

…e is plenty of anecdotal evidence building up as more and more men like me come forward and complain about what has been done to them, the men concerned come from all faith backgrounds or have no fixed belief. The question I would like to pose to those in favour of circumcising children is where are the studies that show that no one is ever harmed by circumcision? There are of course none. Even if you accept the recent studies about the protective…

Equal rights?

…t the process by which the genitals take their different forms is a subtle combination of genes and a complex system of hormones which can have variable results. This means that there are a significant number of children born with atypical genitals. Often such children can, and should be, be left intact until such time as they are able to give informed consent to any treatment or surgery, this should be the path that is followed rather than a rush…

Cologne ruling

…ere was consent by the parents, but this was not capable of justifying the commission of the elements of bodily harm. Under section 1627 sentence 1 of the Civil Code (Buฬˆrgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB), custody only covers measures of upbringing which serve the best interests of the child. Under what is probably the prevailing view in the literature (… ), the circumcision of a boy who is not capable of giving consent is not in the best interests of th…

Secular Europe march London Sept. 2012

…aking faith out of policy making is a logical step if you believe that all people are equal regardless of race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, anatomical difference or any other category that can be used by one group to denigrate another group. Men Do Complain was delighted to march with friends from other organisations with a secular basis; the Secular Medical Forum working for faith free medical practice and Survivors Voice Europe repres…