Dear Chancellor Merkel…

…n. Please listen to our voice and keep in mind this quote: “Parents may be free to become martyrs themselves. But it does not follow that they are free in identical circumstances to make martyrs of their children before they have reached the age of full and legal discretion when they can make choices for themselves.” (Rutledge J in the United States Supreme Court in Prince v Massachusetts (1944) 321 US 158 at p 170: ) The Cologne Court has given c…

Human Rights Act 1998

…The Human Rights Act 1998 The link is to a PDF file on this site. Go ahead and download. Human-Rights-Act-1998…

Circumcised man’s threat to kill mother โ€“ The Times

…istrates. In one he said: “I will slit your throats where you stand. Happy new year.” Mr Wan added that H******** went to his mother’s house on New Year’s Eve and threw paint over the front of the house and on the path. Kim Lee, for the defence, said that only a handful of the messages had been threatening and were “a cry for help”. He added: “He suffers from body dysmorphia and has other mental health issues. There was no intent to cause harm to…

Scotland bans smacking

…t is a practice that looks increasingly inappropriate in the light of this new law. The full story on the BBC News gives us this quote from the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) “This law sets out in clear terms that physical punishment should no longer be part of childhood in Scotland and it marks a momentous step in making it a country where children’s rights are truly recognised, respected and fulfilled.” Childr…


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