In the video below for the WorldWide Day Of Genital Autonomy, Prince Hillary Maloba describes the negative effects of the campaign to promote “voluntary” circumcision that is funded by major international bodies.
Category: People
Your story on TV

Men Do Complain has been contacted by Burning Bright Productions
to recruit participants for a television documentary that will cover issues around circumcision.
Earlier this year, Burning Bright produced 100 Vaginas, a programme that explored women’s experience with their bodies, and included a sequence on FGM.
Now Burning Bright are looking to present the male experience in a new programme. This is an opportunity for our voices to be heard.
If you think you might like to be involved in the project, see below for details.
Channel 4 are looking for contributors for a ground-breaking and intimate film about men, their bodies and life experiences.
We are working with an artist to document the relationship men have with their most private parts and masculinity.
If you are happy to be interviewed and intimately photographed as part of this programme, we’d love to hear from you.
You can contact us to find out more at:
Burning Bright Productions
+44 (0)203 696 5057
Iris Fudge: 1927 – 2019
Today with great sadness we learnt of the death of Iris Fudge. M.D.C. has lost one of its staunchest supporters. Iris was a long time campaigner for the rights of all children: boys, girls and children born with atypical sex characteristics, to grow up with intact genitals, until such time as they might give meaningful consent to any treatment or modification. Iris will be greatly missed; her courage, sharp mind, humour and good company made the many demonstrations she attended worthwhile events.

Paul Mason, Barrister and Children’s Commisioner, Tasmania.
It was with great sadness that we learnt that Paul Mason had died. We offer our deepest sympathy to Paul’s family.
The movement to protect children’s rights in all its aspects, including non-therapeutic male circumcision, has lost a great champion.
Along with a rigorous intellect Paul had a very compassionate nature. He will be sorely missed.
The video below of Paul is from a press conference held in London on 3rd September 2008. It was the first time I saw him in action. All I can say is thank you Paul.
One man’s story
I forgot about circumcision for many years and it was not until my late twenties and having found myself unemployed with lots of free time that I began researching this issue.
I am a British born Muslim who was circumcised as a child and I believe I was about 8 years old when it happened although I cannot be sure of the exact age. I remember going to the hospital with my father and elder brother and being given an injection in my buttocks and waking up to find ice cream on the side table.
I only began researching circumcision after a hunch around the age of 17 when studying for my A-levels at college. I came across Mothers against Circumcision and then found NORM-UK and realised I was not alone in my thoughts.
I forgot about circumcision for many years and it was not until my late twenties and having found myself unemployed with lots of free time that I began researching this issue. Soon enough I came across Intact America and Doctors Opposing Circumcision and many Facebook pages as well as YouTube videos. I then discovered that the skin tag on my penis was a result of my circumcision and that this was very much highlighted as one of the harmful complications of circumcision on the website Circumstitions.
I then began printing Intact America factsheets and sending text messages to friends. I began speaking to fathers and anyone who was expecting a baby boy and making visits to see the fathers, funding much of the work from my own pocket. I made visits to a couple of my siblings who were expected to circumcise their boys but sadly their circumcisions went ahead without me knowing and after I had given them the factsheets. I now do a lot of work online targeting parents and keeping a tab locally on who is having children and boys in particular.
On 7th September 2014 I joined the Bloodstained men at a demo outside the Gherkin and met Richard Duncker and Patrick Smyth for the first time although I had had online conversations with Richard previously.
My concerns are about America as well as globally and being here in the UK my focus is on the Muslim/Jewish community. My work continues and I will do as much as I can to educate and stop parents from circumcising their baby boys and I truly believe circumcision needs to be abolished.