Circumcision complications

Freedom of Information request by the National Secular Society  reveals that “Boys face serious complications from circumcision, complaints show”

Read the full story on the NSS web site.

NSS campaigns officer Dr Alejandro Sanchez said: “These complaints lay bare the dangers of medically unnecessary circumcision in babies and children. It is a myth that circumcision is simple and safe.

BMA 2022

They may be big but we are still complaining. Circumcision without consent is an assault. One comment we recieved was…

“You don’t give up do you”

A woman came over and said she had circumcised her son because she was married to a Ghanain and she would not do it  now. A passer by hissed…

“Circumcised and proud”

As always we are there to point out that it is the lack of choice and the irreversible losses associated with circumcision that we are against. All we want is the same medical ethics that would be applied to any other non-therapeutic procedure. If it can wait then it should wait.

Unnecessary NHS circumcisions

At MDC we have been highlighting the waste and suffering caused by non-therapeutic circumcisions ever since we were founded. Good to see this article in the Mail on Sunday  (27/02/2022) reporting the growing concern in the medical community at the number of unnecessary circumcisions that are performed.

Teaching proper care of the intact penis, cleaning it using water from the base to the tip, minimising the use of soap (no complex bubble baths etc.) and only the boy himself should ever attempt to retract his foreskin. Those three simple measures could save a lot of problems.
Our figure of £6 million on the placard  in the picture is from before 2012 when this protest was staged out side the British Medical Association’s meeting in Bournemouth. Thanks to the doctors involved and thanks to The Mail for drawing attention to the waste of resources and the harm caused by unnecessary circumcisions. 

Excellent sites for intact penis care Your Whole Baby and 15Square .

Important academic survey

One of the key reasons MDC was started was to ask for the proper recording of circumcisions, the long term follow up of possible complications and for proper care of the men that circumcised boys will become. We have said elsewhere on this site that men who complain about having been circumcised are often treated as if there is something wrong with them rather than having had something wrong done to them. Read the details of this academic survey and please participate. 

restoration devices

Landmark Foreskin Restoration Survey:
Document Your Experiences. Tell Researchers How to Improve Medical Care.

Those who have been, or are currently engaged in, manual foreskin restoration methods are invited to participate in a landmark survey to document motivations for and experiences with restoration, as well as experiences with medical and/or mental health professionals. This population has never been researched to any great degree by the medical or mental health communities.

Whether you’ve been restoring for 6 weeks or for 6 years, or even if you’ve abandoned restoration, this survey is for you!

The survey is open to anyone over the age of 18 within or outside of the U.S. who was:
‐ born with a penis or assigned male at birth (including intersex and transgender persons);
‐ circumcised as a child without their consent or who later voluntarily chose circumcision;
‐ and is/was engaged in foreskin restoration methods, even if the process was abandoned.

The online survey, conducted by independent researcher Tim Hammond and Principal Investigator Lauren Sardi, PhD of Quinnipiac University, seeks to gain insights into motivations for and experiences with restoration, as well as experiences with medical and/or mental health professionals. The survey should take most participants less than 30 minutes to complete and offers an opportunity to upload up to five (5) photographs of their restoration journey.

Data from the survey will be analyzed and submitted for publication to a respected medical, sexology or men’s health journal. It is hoped that these findings will contribute to a better understanding of those engaged in restoration, lead to the creation of suitable support services, and contribute valuable new insights into discussions about a child’s right to bodily integrity, especially when involving permanent alterations to intimate parts of the body.

The survey will be open until at least September 30, 2021. Those interested in participation are encouraged to take the survey at one of the following links, both of which are case sensitive.

Note: Some restorers might have already received a survey invitation email from or American Bodycrafters that contained the first link, which has caused access problems for some users. If you experience access issues with the first link, please use the second link. For questions, please contact Tim Hammond:–