
Email us at Call or text +44 [0] 7810 005 886, preferably during UK business hours. If your enquiry is urgent, please get in touch at any time. Images for press The following images are free to use for publication. Please credit Men Do Complain and, where appropriate, include a link to Click the images below to view, then use right-click (ctrl key on a Mac) and “Save image as …” to download.   Intro v…

Important academic survey

…of the following links, both of which are case sensitive. Note: Some restorers might have already received a survey invitation email from or American Bodycrafters that contained the first link, which has caused access problems for some users. If you experience access issues with the first link, please use the second link. For questions, please contact Tim Ha…

Human Rights Act 1998

…The Human Rights Act 1998 The link is to a PDF file on this site. Go ahead and download. Human-Rights-Act-1998…

Letters from the archives of 15 Square – David Smith

…Using letters and emails received over the last 20 years David Smith presents testimony from men sent to the charity NORM-UK now known as 15 Square. His presentation concentrates on the psychological aspects of the harm caused by the non-therapeutic circumcision of male children.…